About Me

My photo
Buderim, QLD, Australia
WELCOME TO THREE BEEZ CAKES. I am a Stay at Home Mum of 3 B's ..... Bella (Isabella 9), Bronte (7) and Beth (Elizabeth 5) who love birthdays!! Having three girls and seeing the asking price for shop bought cakes, I thought I would make an attempt at creating my own kids cakes. After a few successes (and some disasters!!) friends started asking me to do cakes for their kids and other occasions. SO HERE I AM!!! Take a look and enjoy whats to come..... they do taste as good as they look!!!! I have that one on the good authority of my expert taste testers AKA Three Beez. Have a question - contact me on queensland@ozemail dot com dot au

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Ellie's 13th Birthday Pressie

Sept 2010 - Wow where has the time gone. When we first met Ellie she was 9 1/2yo. The time has gone so fast and she is now a teenager!! Anyways being of such an importantant age we felt that something more funky and "teenagerish" was called for. The usual butter cake was covered in butter cream and then decorated as a present using black fondant. I am pleased to report that the cake was beautiful and very "funky"
