About Me

My photo
Buderim, QLD, Australia
WELCOME TO THREE BEEZ CAKES. I am a Stay at Home Mum of 3 B's ..... Bella (Isabella 9), Bronte (7) and Beth (Elizabeth 5) who love birthdays!! Having three girls and seeing the asking price for shop bought cakes, I thought I would make an attempt at creating my own kids cakes. After a few successes (and some disasters!!) friends started asking me to do cakes for their kids and other occasions. SO HERE I AM!!! Take a look and enjoy whats to come..... they do taste as good as they look!!!! I have that one on the good authority of my expert taste testers AKA Three Beez. Have a question - contact me on queensland@ozemail dot com dot au

Monday, June 21, 2010

Disco Fever

June 2010 - Little girls love Disco Party's and this one went all out including not just a real disco ball but also a Disco Ball Cake. The place looked fabulous and I have to say that the cake just topped it all off. I used the Wilton 3D Soccer Ball tin to make both the semi circles which were then stuck together with buttercream and jam. The cake was then covered in buttercream and I then placed little squares of white chocolate (that had been melted down and carved up into the correct size) all around the ball. The final touch was some star picks made out of fondant and then everything was sprayed with Pink Pearl Lustre spray. The spray is certainly not cheap but it was the crowning touch to the cake. Shaye was over the moon with it as was I.
