About Me

My photo
Buderim, QLD, Australia
WELCOME TO THREE BEEZ CAKES. I am a Stay at Home Mum of 3 B's ..... Bella (Isabella 9), Bronte (7) and Beth (Elizabeth 5) who love birthdays!! Having three girls and seeing the asking price for shop bought cakes, I thought I would make an attempt at creating my own kids cakes. After a few successes (and some disasters!!) friends started asking me to do cakes for their kids and other occasions. SO HERE I AM!!! Take a look and enjoy whats to come..... they do taste as good as they look!!!! I have that one on the good authority of my expert taste testers AKA Three Beez. Have a question - contact me on queensland@ozemail dot com dot au

Monday, June 21, 2010

Ella's Pink Heart

March 2010 - This was such and easy cake to do and was made to the specific instructions of one very gorgeous 4 year old. She wanted pink around the outside, a red heart in the middle with a white border. I used a star tip to pipe the pattern all over. We then placed it on a heart shaped board that I picked up at spotlight.
