About Me

My photo
Buderim, QLD, Australia
WELCOME TO THREE BEEZ CAKES. I am a Stay at Home Mum of 3 B's ..... Bella (Isabella 9), Bronte (7) and Beth (Elizabeth 5) who love birthdays!! Having three girls and seeing the asking price for shop bought cakes, I thought I would make an attempt at creating my own kids cakes. After a few successes (and some disasters!!) friends started asking me to do cakes for their kids and other occasions. SO HERE I AM!!! Take a look and enjoy whats to come..... they do taste as good as they look!!!! I have that one on the good authority of my expert taste testers AKA Three Beez. Have a question - contact me on queensland@ozemail dot com dot au

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Club Penguin

May 2010 - OOps a bit out of order. Wow a year has gone by since I did this young man's Bart Cake. Seems the fad now is Club Penguin - for any oldies like me - it is a kids web site where they play games and chat. Anyways, Chris wanted a penguin and with props from his collection I used the womans weekly kids book for the template and then we added all the minature statues around it as well as multi coloured cupcakes around the perimeter. The cake itself was dairy / nut free so we had to used dairy alternatives to milk (soy) and butter (nuttelix). The taste of the icing is rather different if you are not used to it - more of a margerine taste. In the end it was just the birthday boy to really impress which we did YAY!
