About Me

My photo
Buderim, QLD, Australia
WELCOME TO THREE BEEZ CAKES. I am a Stay at Home Mum of 3 B's ..... Bella (Isabella 9), Bronte (7) and Beth (Elizabeth 5) who love birthdays!! Having three girls and seeing the asking price for shop bought cakes, I thought I would make an attempt at creating my own kids cakes. After a few successes (and some disasters!!) friends started asking me to do cakes for their kids and other occasions. SO HERE I AM!!! Take a look and enjoy whats to come..... they do taste as good as they look!!!! I have that one on the good authority of my expert taste testers AKA Three Beez. Have a question - contact me on queensland@ozemail dot com dot au

Monday, June 21, 2010

Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear

March 2010 - Another one from a Google Search for a little boy from Sydney who was having his first birthday up at Noosa with his extended family. I was really chuffed that my name now comes up in google searches. Better still that looking at my work, people seem to have confidence in my decorating ability. There have been a few that I have turned down - just a tad too hard for my liking. Anyways, this one was a teddy bear so I finally got to use the teddy bear pan that my sister bought me for my birthday a couple of years ago. The icing was then spatula'd onto the cake to make him look furry!
